You may love rugging up inside with heaters on, nice long hot showers but your skin is not a fan of this or winter. With cold temperatures and harsh winds it’s easy for your skin to become a little distressed at this time of year.

But it's ok! We at Facial Impressions have some great tips and amazing product suggestions, which we are certain you'll fall in love with too. With skin that’s not only soft to touch, but is hydrated and radiating a healthy glow.

WINTER BODY TIP #1: Avoid super-hot showers and baths.
Lathering up with a drying soap under a long, hot shower is a HUGE no-no in the cooler months, as it’ll strip your skin of all its moisture. Keep your showers as speedy as possible, keep the water temperature warm and treat your skin to a nourishing body wash, and NEVER use soap on your face. If your oily skin you may even notice your feeling dryer too so we suggest switching from a foaming cleanser to a milk cleanser for Oily / Combination Skin.

Product picks: Salt Of The Earth - Creamy Scrub, Custom Tans - Goat Milk & Honey SLS free Bar Cherry Blossom & Lotus Shower CreamCinnamon & Ginger Shower Gel

WINTER BODY TIP #2: Slather your damp body in moisturiser.
Once you’ve stepped out of the shower and patted yourself dry, apply a rich, nourishing body moisturiser while your skin is still slightly damp. Your skin is very accepting of extra moisture when it is still moist, you see, so it’ll ensure the nourishing ingredients are locked in long after you’ve applied the product. And don’t be lazy either – apply it to your entire body.  Product pick:  Salt of The Earth Mineral Cream, Sothys Body Elixir (dry oil). Cherry Blossom & Lotus Body ElixirOrange Blossom & Cedar Body ElixirLemon & Bitter Orange ElixirCinnamon & Ginger Body Elixir

WINTER BODY TIP #3: Don’t be slack with your SPF.
Just because it’s winter, it doesn’t mean you can ditch your daily sunscreen. Whether you’re walking to and from work, playing outdoor sports, chilling at a café or heading off to the snow for a mid-year break, please slip, slop, slap on your broad-spectrum SPF and reapply as necessary. Product pick: Sun Shield  SPF50.

WINTER BODY TIP #4: Treat, heal & hydrate at night.
Your skin does its best healing at night time, so beat winter to its own drying game and nourish your face before bedtime with an active night cream and serums. These creams are rich to hydrate with active ingredients as your skin is resting. Look for ingredients such as Glysalac, AHA, BHA, Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C. As these ingredients will help soften the skin while helping to heal scars, uneven skin tone / pigmentation and fine lines associated with ageing skin. Product pick: Energy Night CreamNoctuelle Night CreamUltra-C DermoboosterGlysalac DermoboosterRetinol Dermobooster.

BEAUTIFUL WINTER BODY TIP #5: Time to start facial treatment program.
Winter is the time to get active with your skin as we are not out and about at the beach all weekend exposed to harsher UV rays. Give your skin a boost of Hydration, refine skin texture and fine lines, start treating that annoying pigmentation, now is the time to get started! Come in for a consultation and we will devise the best treatment plan for you. Treatment pick: Cosmeceutique RX Clinical Peel, Hydra3Ha (Intensive Hydrating) Facial Treatment, Microdermabrasion, LED (light therapy). Q-Switch LASER.


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