Say Goodbye to Unsightly Nail Infections
Say Goodbye to Unsightly Nail Infections 〰️
LASER is the latest treatment for your unsightly nail infections.
Then perhaps you suffer from Onychomycosis (on-i-ko-mi-KO-sis), a condition also known as nail fungus.
Nail fungus can be found on hands and feet and a highly contagious, commonly caused by heavy foot perspiration, poor shoe/sock ventilation or walking barefoot in damp areas, such as a gym. Until now, the only solutions for nail fungus were to surgically remove the nail; apply topical treatments which have a poor success rate; or more recently prescription medications, which have many potentially dangerous side effects. -
The Q-Switch LASER treatment can effectively and efficiently rid you of unsightly nail infections in as little as one treatment, depending on the severity of the condition. The LASER wavelength penetrates the nail and the nail bed, eliminating the destructive infection allowing your own body to revitalise your nail naturally as it grows out.
Safe & effective treatment
Virtually painless procedure
No downtime from your regular activities
Smart alternative to oral medication