How to Keep Your Skin Looking Youthful Without a Scalpel

The search for the fountain of youth has been on for hundreds if not thousands of years. Even though this magical fountain of youth keeps eluding us, modern science has brought new innovations to keep us looking younger for longer. The latest research in nutrition, lifestyle and how the environment impacts on our bodies have spurred new discoveries in skincare and cosmetic treatments that help to counteract the ageing factors of our environment.

Skin ageing is influenced by several different factors. Free radicals, inflammation, glycation and stress have so far been identified as the main causes of ageing. We can't prevent ageing or extend the youth of the skin by focusing on only one of these factors and ignore the others. A good youth extension programme will include many elements that will have a synergistic effect to fight free radicals, reduce inflammation, prevent glycation and reduce the effects of stress.

What You Can Do to Fight Free Radical Damage Free radical are all around us.

UV light, pollution, toxins, toxic substances in food, water, and stress create free radicals that cause damage to our body and our skin. Protect your skin from the sun with a broad spectrum sunscreen and fight pollution with a good antioxidant serum. Avoid toxins and toxic substances in food and water by drinking purified water and avoiding processed foods. Look for skin care rich in antioxidants such as green tea, resveratrol, vitamin E, grape seed extract, pomegranate extract, and niacinamide.  

How To Fight Inflammation.

Inflammation can be triggered by stress to the skin or physical damage. Treating your skin harshly with aggressive products or treatments can cause inflammation which can damage the skin tissues. Be gentle with your skin, do not over exfoliate, and do not over-treat your skin. Eat foods with in essential fatty acids, Omega 3, 6, 9 and look for omega-rich ingredients in your skincare to help keep information down.  

Glycation and How it Affects Your Skin

Glycation is caused by the sticky sugar build up in the skin damaging the collagen and elastin fibers. This causes the skin to sag and wrinkles to appear. To prevent glycation avoid excessive sugar in your diet, protect your skin from the sun, and limit smoking. One of the best anti-glycation ingredients is vitamin C so make sure you use skincare that contains stabilised vitamin C in a good delivery system.

Manage Ageing by Managing Your Stress

We know that chronic stress accelerates ageing and can make us sick. Take time out every day to relax and do something you enjoy. Go for a walk, or play with your pets, read a good book, or close your eyes and listen to your favourite music. Try yoga or swimming, exercise is a great way to help relieve stress. Book a massage or even better, an anti-aging facial every month.  For extending the youth of your skin, the most popular facial is the Sothys Youth Intensive Treatment, a powerful, targeted treatment designed to combat the signs of ageing. This facial includes antioxidants, anti-inflammatory ingredients, anti-glycation, and stress relieving techniques to help reverse the sign of ageing in the skin.

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