Orange peel, dimples, cottage cheese, cellulite it affect us all but how do we reduce it!

Cellulite, affects 90% of women (even the thinnest and most athletic), is the result of both fat storage in adipocytes (fat cells) and of water retention in the body. As the adipocytes grow, the connective tissue that contains them (septa) pulls on the skin surface and deforms it. At the same time, circulation is blocked, and toxins accumulate. That is when cellulite appears, creating the inevitable orange peel aspect.

AQUEOUS CELLULITE - This type is caused by water retention due to poor blood and lymphatic circulation. It is important to drain toxins and reactivate circulatory exchanges.

ADIPOSE CELLULITE - This type of cellulite is often associated with excess weight. It is necessary to stimulate natural fat release.

FIBROUS CELLULITE - This type is harder to get rid of because it has been present for a long time, is compact and often painful.The tissues must first be softened before fibrous cellulite can be removed.

Reducing the appearance of cellulite requires three things: firming the skin, reducing body fat and increasing blood and lymph circulation.

So let’s talk about how Facial Impressions can help with skin firming with LED and blood and lymph circulation ENDERMOLOGIE.

LED Light therapy - skin uses light as a source of energy to fuel the repair and rejuvenation of damaged cells. The energy stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, boosts circulation and accelerates tissue repair. Near infrared light is the most deeply absorbed wavelength. It increases cell permeability and absorption, smoothes lines and wrinkles, improves, elasticity, reduces pain and inflammation and accelerates wound healing. It works for product penetration and helps with cellulite. It also treats the subcutaneous adipose (fat) tissue.

With the new patented Alliance treatment head, endermologie® stimulates the skin and fatty tissue to soften them and make them less fibrous. At the same time, this stimulation helps to release fat and to activate blood and lymphatic circulation.

Simultaneously, the mechanical action of the treatment head stimulates natural fat release and firms skin to give it back its tonicity and a dimple-free aspect.

The new Alliance Skin Identity Sensor adapts the stimulation to each individual type of skin: the intensity of the treatment is optimised, and the skin is still respected.

“After just 3 sessions, cellulite is reduced (67%*), giving way to smoother, softer skin.”

Spring is here, time to now’s the time to start treating your body to get ready for Summer.


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