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Why do we always talk about hydrating your skin? Why is it important that you need to keep our skin hydrated? The simple fact is that a dehydrated skin indicates that something is not right. Dehydrated skin is not a healthy skin. Dehydration is the first sign of an impaired skin barrier which can lead to inflammation, skin sensitivity, eczema, dermatitis, premature aging, and even acne. 

A hydrated skin is an indication that the skin is healthy. The skin barrier is intact, the skin is strong, resilient, and has good immunity. So before we do anything else, we always check for skin hydration levels and correct his first. 

What Is a Dehydrated Skin

So how do you know if your skin is dehydrated? Dehydrated skin feels tight, dry, and uncomfortable. Under magnification, we can see fine lines on the surface of the skin. Dehydrated skin often has a dull appearance, it lacks vitality. I deeply dehydrated skin will also feel very dry and can become itchy and irritated easily. Because of the lack of moisture, the skin is not able to renew itself and exfoliate so there will be a build-up of dead cells and even be flaking in patches. 

What Is the Difference Between Dry and Dehydrated Skin

A dry skin is a skin type, whereas dehydration is a skin condition. Skin type is usually determined by genes where the skin condition is determined by lifestyle factors and external environment. So people with dry skin are usually born with this skin type and they do not produce as much oil in the skin. 

Dehydration can occur in dry skin or oily skin types. The difference is that the skin is lacking moisture. Whereas dry skin is lacking oil. 

Best Skin Hydration Products

The best products to hydrate this include potent active ingredients to saturate the skin with moisture from the surface and deep within the skin. Where use and recommend the Sothys Hydra3Ha hydrating serum, creams and mask. This range of products includes high levels of 2 different types of hyaluronic acid, which can hold up to 1000 x its weight in water. 

* High molecular weight hyaluronic acid which creates a water patch on the surface of the skin and 

* Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid which provides a water reservoir deep in the skin.

+ Components of the Natural Moisturising Factor for a hydra-plumping effect. 

+ The patented 1055 boletus extract boosts the synthesis of hyaluronic acid by 23% in the epidermis (outer skin) and by 29% in the dermis (inner skin).

Best Treatment to Hydrate Your Skin in 1 Hour

The Sothys Hydra3Ha Intense Hydration Treatment is the best treatment to correct hydration levels in your skin and repair the barrier for long results. This is our ultimate skin Hydrating Intensive Treatment specially developed to meet the hydration needs of all skin types. Based around triple helix Hyaluronic acid, delivered in a six-phase protocol, with specific Sothys Digi-Esthetique® massage techniques… +71% after one treatment with immediate and long lasting results!

How to Hydrate the Skin from Inside 

Here are some tips on how you can hydrate your skin from the inside. 

Yes, you need to drink water and try drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. Make it interesting and drink sparkling mineral or spring water. 

You can flavor your filtered water with fruit, berries or herbal teas to make it more interesting.

Eat food high in water content such as soups, yogurt, watermelon, celery, capsicum, grapes, and dark leafy vegetables.

We have excellent tools to correct your dehydrated skin with the best quality products and treatments we offer. If you follow our advice or which products to use to keep your skin hydrated, have regular Hydra3Ha treatments and make some minor changes to your lifestyle habits you will have a healthy, youthful radiant skin.