Facial Impressions

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Have you seen our LPG endermologie nutricosmetics range?

LPG® endermologie® are a leading, luxury French beauty brand with a focus on natural beauty solutions. LPG have made their state-of-the-art endermologie® devices, skincare and nutricosmetics available to men and women throughout the world for over 30 years.

With an extensive range of revolutionary treatments, cosmetics and food supplements, LPG believe in high-quality ingredients and providing a natural, sustainable beauty alternative. Experience all-inclusive beauty products, suitable for all skin and body types and treating various skin concerns.


Did you know that all LPG endermologie® cosmetics and nutricosmetics are the perfect complement to endermologie® beauty clinic treatments? The endermologie® technique is a 100% natural, leading French treatment using the patented technology of mechano-stimulation. Reducing lines, wrinkles, and reshaping the face and body, LPG treatments combined with cosmetics are the perfect cocktail for fast, effective results.