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Summer Skin Is Made in Spring!

Did you know that your skin changes as the weather changes? Your skin needs change as we

transition from winter to spring, so now is the time to adjust your skincare and book in a course

of professional treatments that will make your skin glow this summer. If you don’t know where to

start we have some great tips for you!

Before You Do Anything, Get a Skin Coach!

Did you know your beauty therapist can be your skin health coach? We don't just do waxing and

makeup and massage, we have extensive training in skin health, skincare and nutrition so we

can guide you to achieve optimal results. Whether you’re learning a new skill and you find a

good teacher to teach you and guide you, or whether you’re working on your fitness, and you

find a fitness coach, a beauty therapist is your skin health coach! She can educate you, inspire

you, motivate you, and hold you accountable just like any good coach will. So before you do

anything, book a skin care consultation with one of our beauty therapists to make a plan for your

optimal skin health.

Spring Clean Your Cosmetics

Time to go through all your draws and cosmetic bags to sort out all cosmetics that are old,

broken or empty. With the help of your beauty therapist work out what skincare and cosmetics

you can keep using into spring and summer and which you need to put aside for the following

winter. Toss out the old and bringing some fresh skincare that will make your skin sparkle. Keep

on reading to discover what you need to include in your skincare routine for spring and summer.

Book a Microdermabrasion Treatment

Spring is the perfect time to rejuvenate your skin with a good deep exfoliation.

Microdermabrasion provides a deep exfoliation of the skin leaving it super smooth, bright, and

clarified. If you would like to boost your skin rejuvenation, add-on LED phototherapy treatment

which will boost blood circulation, stimulate collagen production, and enhance healing of the


Maintain the results and keep your skin looking fresh with regular exfoliation at home. You

should be exfoliating one to two times a week to remove dead skin cells that clog your pores

and make the skin look dull. We have a number of products that we can recommend for you to

use at home for regular exfoliation depending on your skin type and conditions. Whether it's a

scrub, an enzyme cleanser, a gentle peel, or a gommage, we have something for everyone!

Boost Skin’s Energy Levels

A sluggish skin is a dull skin. Skin with poor energy levels does not have sufficient power to

provide nutrition to the cells and to rejuvenate and repair itself effectively. Poor nutrition, stress,

toxins in food and water, pollution, and not drinking enough pure water can cause the energy

levels of the skin cells to dive. To boost your skin energy levels, ensure that you provide

sufficient nutrition for your skin cells. Food's rich in vitamin A, B, C, minerals such as zinc,

calcium, magnesium, copper and Omega essential fatty acids are important for skin energy

health and wellbeing. So try to make sure you eat a healthy diet rich in these vitamins, minerals

and essential fatty acids for optimal skin health. For a quick pick me up to boost skin energy

levels, try the Sothys Energising Intensive treatment.

Be More Vigilant With Your Sunscreen

As the weather warms up we tend to spend more time outdoors. Living near the surf and the

beach is especially important to protect your skin from the sun with a good broad-spectrum hight

SPF sunscreen. Apply your sunscreen every morning after cleansing and moisturising and be

sure to re-apply after swimming or exercising. If you are spending more than four hours in a day

outdoors it's best to stay in the shade whenever possible, wear a hat, and long sleeve clothing.

Spring is an exciting time of the year full of flowers and blooms and fresh beginnings. It's the

perfect time to spring clean your skin care and cosmetics and make plans for a beautiful skin

well into the summer season. With our expensive product choices and professional treatments,

we can help you achieve the desired results.